There are 5 basic strategies (webmaster version) to improve our site performance. I am going to name them in this post and describe them more thoroughly in my future materials. Of course, you cannot boost your site performance if you do only one thing. But if you succeed in at least 3, your site’s visitors will definitely appreciate your effort!
Here are the strategies:
1. Objects size Minimization
Make sure your (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript files occupy as little space as possible. Trim white spaces, remove line breaks and comments. Of course, you don’t need to do everything manually – there are a lot of free tools available on the Internet. Don’t also forget to minimize the filesize of your JPEG/GIF/PNG images. A part of this strategy is GZIP compression.
2. Objects Caching
This is a server-side technique. There are many ways to cache your files, we’ll discuss them later.
3. Objects Merging
Webmasters says that this is very easy. The HTTP requests you do, the less time it takes to load your page. Therefore, use CSS sprites, merge JavaScript and CSS files into one large files, this makes your pages really faster.
4. Simultaneous Objects Loading
As you probably know, your browser keep only 2 simultaneous connections to one host open. If you add an additional server to keep your images and other static files, you can win up to 30% boost.
5. CSS and JavaScript objects optimization
It can be a real pain to optimize JavaScript files written by someone else, but the result will be visible, especially if your site grows to 10.000 uniques per day and more.
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