Developing a strong blog foundation serves to give your site a unique identity which is typically a reflection of your personality. Of course the best way to do this is by creating content that best reflects you as a person while also accomplishing certain objectives as well. In doing so you present a blogging platform that is easier for viewers to identify with and develop a loyalty towards.
Since the unique identity you want to establish will result from what you post here are 3 things you want to mindful of when creating content for your site.
Be You
Show your personality or present yourself in a way in which you are comfortable. Blogging is a long term process and people will become attracted to and accustom with your delivery style. Along those lines it is equally important that you can and will maintain the same 'style' of delivery as well. You must be comfortable in your 'own' skin that's why using your own personality works best. This alone will give you the unique identity you want after all, there is only one you or so I'll assume.
Show Attitude
When appropriate to the content do not be afraid to voice your opinion. People will appreciate this whether they agree with you or not since most everybody has got an interest in what others are thinking. This is a great way to engage the readers on your blogging platform and get a reaction. Whether they agree or disagree is immaterial since this leads to a greater level of interactivity which helps create and maintain a sense of community. In this way the people are coming together and bonding on your site and this is exactly what you want.
Teach, Entertain, Provoke
Creating content that increases the knowledge of your readers or otherwise enlightens them makes you more valuable to them and them more loyal to you. Even if it is merely a thought provoking statement that 'stirs the pot' a bit you want to 'stimulate' your readers whenever you can! People like to be challenged, taught or otherwise entertained. Think of yourself as a talk show host on the internet except without being grossly overpaid.
The strength of your blog foundation in most cases is based upon the unique identity you have established through the updates you post. Obviously it all starts with creating content and how you do so since it needs to reflect a certain 'personality' while also accomplishing certain objectives.
The 3 suggestions above identify areas you want to be mindful of when composing any updates for your blogging platform. In doing so you develop and maintain a certain face-identity and/or direction with which people can more readily identify.
The ultimate goal is to develop a more deeply rooted loyalty amongst your readers thereby giving you a much stronger foundation for your blogging platform.

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