Before you start putting every little idea you conceive into the website, make sure you mull over a few tips first to make E-Commerce website design more user friendly.
1. Keep things simple and well-organized.
Magazine-style layouts and templates are everywhere on the information superhighway these days. All the featured articles posted on the home page of the website might confuse readers and make it difficult for them to tell what your site is all about. Making money from your website is likely to be more difficult if your potential customers are confused.
With that in mind, set up a website that is pleasing to the eyes. It should not be too cluttered or too busy. Keep things neat and properly sorted. Categorise items in your inventory or divide them by type of service. Make sure the site has navigation tools that will allow customers to find the things they are looking for.
A menu on the side or a navigation bar at the top portion right under the header is a fail safe way of organising the site and improving site usability. You can use the front page to highlight your recent product additions or bestsellers. Some website owners also include a moving or a flashing image that will alert potential customers about their newest products or items that are on sale.
2. Show your best products on the front page and use photos to guide your customers.
Choose the best photos of the products you are selling. If you are selling clothes, pick the photo that will look best as the primary photo of that product album. This will immediately pique the interest of the customer and will start the ball rolling. If not, you can use a particular logo or an illustration to show your customers what is included in that album.
A picture of a hanger will work well for the clothing album while a picture of a pair of shoes will suit well for your company's shoe collection. Show a photo of an envelope for the "Contact Us" portion of your page.
3. Navigation should be accessible and easy.
You might have incorporated some sort of navigation features in your website but if this cannot be located and accessed easily, your consumers will immediately feel lost. As mentioned above, a navigation bar at the top of the page or a menu at the side of the page should help your customers find out where exactly they are. Label every page so your customers won't get lost and make sure there is a Home page option where they can go back to the front portion of the website.
It also helps to include a site map. If you are using Blogger or WordPress as platforms, incorporating a site map should be easy. Plugins are available that create a page that will include links to all the primary pages of your website. Your potential customer can simply click on this link and locate the page they want to go to in the list.
4. Include a search option in your website.
Every E-Commerce website design should include a search box. Customers are looking for quick ways to find the item they want. Most of them do not want to rummage through the contents of your site to find what they are looking for. They would want to type the keyword in the search box and hit the search button. It is simple and straightforward.
Your website should also pull out accurate search lists. Make sure the products are labelled correctly with the right keywords. The search list should be comprehensive as well. It should indicate the type of product, the cost and some details about it.
5. Checking the items out should be simpler.
Keep in mind that not all Internet users are really tech-savvy. You might have old clients that do not know how to navigate a virtual cart. To make things easier, your buy now or checkout button should always be present in every page, preferably close to the photo of the item. Make the image or the font bigger and more colourful so the buttons will be harder to miss.
Your E-Commerce website should be conducive to shopping. Adopt a multi channel retail system to make things easier. E-Commerce website design is more impressive if it allows customers to shop with ease.

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