When preparing any blog content your first priority is to maintain relevance to the theme of the site. Of equal if not greater importance however is the way in which it is delivered since this will help make any update more interesting to read. Your blog posting not only needs to deliver quality content but also get people more involved in what they are viewing. Much like advertising if your blog posting does not grab and hold a persons attention everybody loses.
5 things you always want your updates to accomplish in order to make them more interesting to read are as follows:
1. Be Engaging
Whenever you can try to present your updates in a conversational manner that will better serve to engage your readers. Even the best quality content can be boring if it is presented in a clinical manner. Share what you have to say in the same way you would speak it and in most cases this will make it more interesting to read.
2. Get to the Point
Don't use more words than you need to convey your point but instead make your point as early as you can with the body of the text people are viewing. Many people quite simply will not view the entire blog posting if they are not made aware relatively quickly what its intent may be. Give viewers a reason or motivation to read deeper into what you have posted or they are likely gone.
3. Create an Easy Read
Speak to be understood and not to impress while also using a layout that is easy to follow! Visitors land on your blog to be entertained and informed but not to be challenged. If they do not understand the meaning of the words you use or they find your format difficult to navigate you will be wasting their time and yours.
4. Enlighten Readers
As it was implied above always strive to make each update interesting to read from the standpoint of offering useful information! It can be late breaking news, insight from personal experience or thought provoking comments and/or statements but make your update useful in some way.
5. Encourage Feedback
By asking for comments readers will feel more a part of the process and a greater sense of community while you stand to benefit from their valuable feedback. This feedback of course will then help you to make improvements from which your readers ultimately benefit as well. Their comments are also extremely useful in helping you serve up the type of quality content they want to see.
Obviously you want your blog content to be on the 'mark' in terms of relevancy to the theme of the site. It is just as important however that your blog posting accomplishing the 5 things discussed above in order to make it more interesting to read.
Offering quality content should always be your primary objective but if you do not present it properly many may never even read what you composed. The suggestions above focus more on the presentation of your blog posting however the quality continues to remain your responsibility.

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