You will find a lot of tutorials on the internet that will explain in detail the obscurities involved when writing a great title. On the whole, you want to be able to write a title that will make your readers take a pause, read it again, and then click. Titles that are capable of speaking directly to a need, providing a solution to a problem, appealing to the sense of curiosity of readers, and making outrageous claims are the best titles to use.
When writing the actual content for your blog posts, there are a number of things to remember. These things will render you successful in blogging for money when put into consistent practice. These are the following:
1.) Your blog post's content should deliver exactly what was promised in its title. For example, if your title is "The Highway To Heaven", your content should indeed provide those The Highway To Heaven . Otherwise, you will only piss off your readers, lose their trust, and lose your credibility as a blogger.
2.) Talk to your reader. Do not use third person point of view when writing. As much as you can, use "you". This would create a sense of familiarity that would help pull your readers into the article. This technique is extremely effective particularly for content written to provide a solution to a certain problem the reader is experiencing.
3.) If possible, try to include stories and examples based from personal experience. This makes your blog post more genuine, personalizes the article even further, and helps in making your readers feel at ease. Because you have experienced the situation personally, the points you are trying to get across in your blog post will become more credible.
4.) Do not be afraid to write content that show your personality. Remember that blogs were created, first and foremost, for people to connect with each other.
5.) Proofread your work before you actually publish it to your blog. Do not rush. You should give your readers the smoothest reading experience as possible.

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