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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Great Content Is A Must !

In several or many case, the thought of writing may seem a little frightening, I mean even with spell check we all seem to let a few spelling mistakes fall through the cracks that then appear for the entire world to see, and criticize.

So how exactly do we offer up great content for our readers? I mean we’d all agree that our readers are important and deserving of something special, and interesting to read on a regular basis. And furthermore since we as blog owners love the resulting traffic, we’d of course prefer it if they were getting those great articles from us!

So what is a blogger/writer to do?

  • Write ahead of time, don’t wake up at 8:00 am knowing you need to publish at 9:00 because chances are you won’t be mentally prepared, and by waiting till the last minute you are forcing yourself to produce quality, rather than letting it come naturally.
  •  I don’t know about you, but creativity isn’t something I can turn on at will. I have days where I can write a great article in no time at all, and others where I simply sit and stare at the screen, occasionally writing and then deleting the drivel I’d written, and hoping for some creative inspiration to strike.
  • Have a planned writing schedule. Sometimes having a schedule of what topics you’d like to cover, and when can take some of the stress of continually finding new subjects to write about out of the equation. Many sites have something similar to a calendar of events, only it’s more of an editorial calendar.
  • Research your topic. This might seem like common sense to some, but I often see articles that could be bolstered up with a few pertinent facts and figures that would go a long way toward shoring up the article, and giving it more substance.
  • Stay on topic. If you have a personal development blog where you go through the trials and tribulations of life, and how to get the most out of it, then wandering off to discuss your favorite keyword research tool, might not be the best idea. The readers you’ve attracted are there for the current topic, and articles, and many won’t even own a website or blog.
  • Make sure you follow through, if you tell your readers you are going to join the gym next week, and start sharing your experience, and successes with them, and then simply forget, or change your mind many of them will see it as a lack of commitment to not only yourself, but also to them, your readers!
  • Write informative “how to” articles that do something to either help your reader, or simply improve some aspect of their lives. Too often we are being sold in life, and too few seem to be the help we need from time to time.
  • Interact with your readers. We all know how much we appreciate comments on our blog, but if we don’t take the time to respond to as many readers (hopefully all if it’s possible) as we can, we’ll soon find fewer and fewer people taking the time to engage with us. The comments section of your blog is a great place to not only get to know your readers, but also find out what they enjoy most about your site, and perhaps what they’d like to see in the future.
  • Read through the finished post to make sure you’ve covered all the point’s you wanted to make. From time to time while I’m writing I’ll skip from one paragraph to the next, and if ever I forgot to head back and finish that first paragraph, I’m sure my readers would be wondering what the heck I was trying to get across. The simple act of reading your post before you publish it, can often show you things you might otherwise have overlooked.
  • Two words, “spell check”. Most programs have it built in, and even most email services include it as a standard feature. Nobody (least of all your loyal readers) expects you to be perfect, or even 90% grammatically correct, but taking the time to read through, and spell check a document can often show you a spelling mistake or two that take no more than a second to fix. The end result will be well worth it!
  • And last, but not least have fun with it! This isn’t like when we were back in college and being graded on every aspect of what we wrote. Most of us (including the professional bloggers among us) write because we enjoy it and have a need to share our knowledge, thoughts and experiences with others. In most cases it is this willingness to help others that determines how successful we are at what we do.
Any suggestion from you body ?  Please help and give some comments.

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