Well if you are banned from AdSense then in theory there is very little you can do about it, and if you have been clicking your own ads deliberately or getting friends to do, you deserve to be banned.
Getting rich with AdSense is possible but you need to look at it from a long term perspective, as you will not earn $1,000 per day overnight unless you are very, very lucky. Many people try and beat the system and fail.
If you have been banned for click fraud then tough cookie. However if you have banned and feel that the reason for the ban was correctable e.g. lack of privacy policy, or images too close to the ads - both of which can be corrected easily, yet both of which can result in a total ban, then you may find people have some sympathy.
Unfortunately despite you best protestations you may still find that Google chooses to keep the ban in place.
Now the only way forwards from here is if you have corrected everything that you can think of to ensure that your website now complies with AdSense policies and site quality issues, and they still will not re-instate your account, is to start again with a new website domain name (Note: you nor anyone else will be able to run AdSense on a banned site ever again) and a new person to apply for the account.
That is right, a new person, as you will not be able to apply for the AdSense program in your own name, address, email or bank account. If you do so then Google will spot that you are trying to apply for a new account, which is against the original Terms Of Service (TOS) that you signed up for when you first applied for an AdSense account, and turn down your new application.
So simply put the only way you can ever run AdSense again on a site you own is that if it is:
a) A totally new domain, and
b) the AdSense account application cannot be by you or linked to you in terms of address or bank account in anyway what so ever. If it is the application will be turned down or you will be banned again in fairly short order.
So ideally you do not want to get banned from AdSense in the first place as you can see there is very little you can do if you are banned from the program.

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