Good web content is indeed a very important factor in Search engine optimization. But what we don't realize is that Images are an asset for SEO as well. Like a very well-written content, images can also drive traffic to your website and inclusion in universal search results. Because of this fact, one must know how to put up the best SEO images for his website.
In using SEO Images, it is just like optimizing a tiny webpage within your page. And the factors you need to know for optimizing images for search engines includes URL structure, anchor text, and descriptive tagging. Listed below are a few tips for optimizing your images that can help their performance on web pages and in searches:
1. Finding the right image
Great images will add another element to an article or webpage that may encourage people to share the page to others and then create some back-links. Therefore, finding one is extremely important in optimizing your images.
2. Use keywords in its file name
You have to use keyword-rich words in the filename of your image because it is as important as putting keywords in your article. This also helps Google or other searches determine its relevancy. Google recommends that you should place the images in one folder on your site instead of placing them in different folders throughout the website. It also suggests that you use common image file types such as JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP.
3. Make descriptive alt text
Using alt text or tags is a way for search engines to determine what your image is all about. Search engines rely on the captions you put around the image, alt texts, file names and surrounding texts, and adding descriptive texts helps search engines determine the content of your images. If you plan to use the image as navigation, for example as a link to another page, just be sure to use alt text that is significant to the content of the page it is being linked to.
4. Using the right Anchor Text
This part is also a very important factor in using Images for SEO. If you want to link images with text, your anchor text can play a role on how your image will rank for keywords. Remember to use a descriptive anchor text that describes your image.
5. Never Stuff
Don't just stuff keywords when filling out things like image alt text. This tip also goes out to all kinds of SEO, and in this case for image SEO. Use short, descriptive keywords and don't forget to optimize images for your blog visitors.
Using SEO images is all about user experience and achieving better ranks in the searches. Next time you do your search engine optimization, never forget to optimize the images you are going to use.

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