Yes, after all this time searching for job vacancies and submit a resume and your CV to your dream company and it worked. Then you'll be happy is not it?
It is a beginning, and you should make a beautiful beginning it becomes perfect. They say first impressions are everything, so perfected the early days of your work with the following:
1. Make Friends and Remember All The Names of Colleagues in The Workplace
The first day is the day of the match to get acquainted with your new coworkers, and you try to remember their names. When a new two working days and you meet with one of your colleagues on the street and you greet him properly will certainly make a very good impression.
2. Know The Ins and Outs of The Organization Well
Is odd if you work in a company but you do not understand the structure of work in that company. Although only early work, this is a good opportunity for in depth.
3. Be Positive
Be positive attitude shown towards all of your colleagues, though annoying. Maybe you do not already know them so deeply.
4. Ask
Naturally, if the new employee to ask coworkers. But avoid things that are not important, it will make you less sympathetic colleagues.
5. Dress Well
Adjust your work clothes with the company dress code applies. Even when you do not have a uniform, try to dress neatly and tend to be graceful.
6. Avoid Leave in The First Three Months
Your boss would be very annoyed if the new work was not yet three months you have to take leave, take leave if you really need it, such as illness or family needs that can not be postponed.
7. Good Listener
Be a good listener, do not be pretentious patronizing your co-workers just because you feel you have more capabilities that could be given to the company.
[from various sources]
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