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Monday, February 6, 2012

Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings Manifold

Increase in profits from Google Adsense is a blogger's dream in his general. This is an honor for us if we increase Google Adsense significant. But its how to get all that?
Every blogger who runs Google Adsense to make money online through his blog or site expects to earn a huge revenue from the ads. But hardly 10% succeed to make $100 or more per week. The very first thing you need to make your dream come true is a lot of visitors to your website. But traffic is not the only thing. You have to convert your visitors and readers into clicks so that you can earn some revenue.

Here are a few tips to make your blog Adsense ready:

1. Place Ads on Top

The top of your page is the most visible portion where almost every visitor looks and pays attention. You can display a banner ad on the top of your page. But make sure you do not over do. Keep only two to three ads in the above the fold area of your webpage. This way you can maintain the professional look of your blog too. It has been noticed that banner ads at the top of the page convert the most for most of the blogs.

2. Use Visible Contrasts and Designs

Google Adsense gives you the facility to customize your ads according to the need of your blog's theme. You can choose contrasting colors for your ads as it makes them more visible to your visitors. But sometimes it may also result in your visitors bouncing back from your site. So be careful and design your ads appropriately.

3. Write Specific and Keyword Focused Content

Google displays ads relevant to the content of your blog. The more specific your content is, more specific will be your ads. And as I discussed in my earlier posts, specific ads convert more than those which are more general in nature. Try and include one or two keywords in every post as it gives Google a hint of what kind of ads should be displayed on the page.

4. Targeted Traffic

This is really important if you want to increase your Adsense earnings fast. If you can manage to get specific and targeted visitors to your blog, then they are more likely to click on the ads of their interests. Generally, organic traffic is known to convert most.

5. Mix Your Content and Ads

You can always insert ads in between the content of your posts and sometimes it looks like it is a part of the content. This trick works out good for some of the blogs where the ads are highly specific and relevant with content.

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