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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Keyword Research Very Important for Us

When you start up your blog there are a million things to worry about, choosing a quality domain name that is both memorable and carries some SEO benefit with it. Wondering which CMS platform you should choose, and then which framework and perhaps theme. There are so many variables going in that you might overlook one of the most important steps in the process, and live to regret it later on down the road when you realize it’s been a year, and you’re only getting a handful of visitors to your blog still.

Proper keyword research isn’t just choosing the five top keywords you think people will type in to find sites like yours and hoping for the best. Instead invest the time and energy into locating all the words surrounding those five words, and delving in further to see just how much traffic they actually can be expected to bring you if you do manage a first place ranking. For example I rank #1 for Twitter Marketing.

I knew before I started ranking for this keyword that the competition was fairly high (they recommend you look for sites with less than 100,000 competing pages) at 1.1 million competing pages, but I also know Google views my site with some level of authority and I could probably pull it off. Now Market Samurai shows the maximum potential traffic I could expect with a #1 ranked site is 75 visitors a day for that keyword. Now that I’ve ranked that one, I can move on to another keyword that can be expected to bring in visitors to my site, and over time I’ll have the five or so thousand visitors a day I’m looking for.

Do you know what you currently rank for? Are you tracking those keywords? Improving them so they move up in ranks, and so provide you with a higher volume of traffic? The difference in the traffic you’ll receive between ranking on page two, and ranking on page one can be considerable. The difference between ranking first and ranking third can also be huge. It’s hard to toss numbers about with any type of accuracy since there are just too many variables, but a guideline you could use is this.

Google ResultImpression%
         1 2,834,80634,35%
         2 1,399,50216,96%
         3    942,70611,42%
         4    638,106 7,73%
         5    510,721 6,19%
         6    416,887 5,05%
         7    331,500 4,02%
         8    286,118 3,47%
         9    235,197 2,85%
       10    223,320 2,71%
       11      91,978 1,11%

So as you can see here if a search term is getting 1000 searches a day the first ranked site is getting approximately 350 visitors to his website for that one keyword. Chances are he isn’t targeting just one keyword, and even if he ranks higher up for some of his other keywords, you can see how the cumulative traffic would start to add up.

If you’re looking to increase the level of traffic you are currently receiving on your blog, one of the simplest ways is to improve the position of a bunch of the keywords you currently rank for. Let’s use an example; we’ll take a website that is getting 100 visitors a day off of just 5 keywords. Ranking on those keywords hasn’t been his focus so he’s further down the page so there is lots of room for improvement.

Example’s Current Situation

Keyword 1 – Ranked 11 (1200 searches a day so he is getting approx. 12 visitors for this)
Keyword 2 – Ranked 10 (2000 Searches for this so about 27 visitors)
Keyword 3 – Ranked 9 (300 daily searches so 3 visitors)
Keyword 4 – Ranked 8 (600 Daily Searches so about 34 visitors)
Keyword 5 – Ranked 7 (600 Daily Searches so about 24 visits per day)

The total of his 5 keywords are bringing in 100 visitors to his blog each and every day (Chances are there would be additional traffic coming in from social networking sites, direct, bookmarks, etc.)

Now he could try ranking his site for additional keywords, or try building up a huge Twitter following to drive more traffic to his blog, or he could simply work at beefing up the positions he already has. Now in this example we are only dealing with 5 to keep things simple and to use solely as a demonstration, but in real life you’d likely have hundreds here you could choose from.

If the above client were to work hard and improve his positioning’s on just these five keywords here is what would happen.

Example’s Improved Situation

Keyword 1 – Ranked 2 (1200 searches a day so he is getting approx. 204 visitors for this)
Keyword 2 – Ranked 1 (2000 Searches for this so about 680 visitors)
Keyword 3 – Ranked 5 (300 daily searches so 18 visitors)
Keyword 4 – Ranked 3 (600 Daily Searches so about 68 visitors)
Keyword 5 – Ranked 4 (600 Daily Searches so about 46 visits per day)

Now instead of getting 100 visitors to his blog, he’s enjoying over ten times that amount and has over 1000 visitors daily coming in. (Are you starting to see the importance of keyword research and implementing a keyword strategy?

We each have our own pool of keywords that are unique to our blog or website, and that we can start spending time improving and tweaking until we are able to squeeze out more traffic from them. Google already has the people searching for those keywords, it’s up to you to ensure that your site is there and able to be found when they do and has the type of content that can be expected to serve their purpose and yours.

The above data obtained from the SEO ebook.

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