One of the biggest challenges to the new internet is being faced by media companies. This new internet is the fact that being online has gotten out of our living rooms and dens, but is now found in the palm of our hand. More and more people are turning to smart phones and tablets allowing them to have internet access no matter where they are at a particular moment.
This means that many traditional ways of getting the news such as a newspaper are going by the wayside. No longer do we have to wait until morning to find out what went on the day before. We now have instant access to events all around the world.
In fact, this trend of getting news through a mobile platform shows no sign of slowing down. Take, for example, a small country. While a small country with a population of only five million people, it is considered one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world.
Recently, a study in small country found that one in five citizens got their news on a mobile platform. In fact, those numbers were more than double what they were just a year ago. This is certain to be a trend that will be repeated in other western countries.
This trend is one that media companies are going to have to embrace, although many reader's habits are changing faster than the companies can adapt. There are several reasons that can be attributed for the change in how we get our news. One is the proliferation of the smart phone. Now, more and more people are using their phones in order to get online. In addition, the iPad or other tablets are also becoming more popular allowing the internet to be accessed at any time and in any place.
Another example of the change in how readers get their news is seen by examining one particular media company.
Even more interesting are when people are getting on news sites. Most news content which is accessed from a PC occurs throughout the entire day with no clear peak in usage. The most access from an iPad was seen during the evening hours from six until eleven. The usage from a mobile phone has a large peak early in the morning as people are getting up and again from eleven until midnight as people are going to bed.
All of this means that media companies are going to have to adapt at a fast rate by building apps and other software in order to deliver the news to people whenever they want it. The challenge will also be to develop cross platform products to satisfy consumers.

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