There is an extensive choice of autoresponder services currently on the market. A number of them are priced based on the size of your list, others are priced by the quantity of email series you run, while some offer limitless campaigns and grant you the ability to have substantial subscriber lists for a set price. A few services exist which include autoresponders as part of their hosting service or for an extra fee.
There are even independent autoresponder software programs which can be bought and downloaded, but it is strongly recommended that you be very knowledgeable if you are going to employ this type of autoresponder as it will likely be associated with YOUR IP address.
If someone levies a spam complaint against you, it can cause your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to close your account and you risk having your domain taken offline, so you want to take the necessary measures to teach yourself about how to use the autoresponder you've chosen prior to actually using it.
When deciding on an autoresponder service, keep the following factors in mind:
1. Depending on your specific circumstances, cost could be a large part of your decision process, particularly if you have a considerable mailing list and/or many campaigns.
2. Simplicity - is it hard to set up your campaign or do you find yourself wishing you had programming skills?
3. Integration with your host. Will your prospective autoresponder work effortlessly with your host provider?
4. Availability of Statistics - are you able to get specific information regarding your campaigns? (how many list members are opening your emails, how many have unsubscribed, how many emails bounced, etc)
5. Deliverability - this is critical - if your autoresponder has a poor deliverability ratio (the percentage of emails that actually get delivered to the intended reader), then you may be throwing your money away.
If you aren't yet implementing an autoresponder service to help expand your business, make a point to add it to your "To Do" List! Automating your efforts with an autoresponder will provide you additional time that could be utilized on new product research and creation or other actions that will allow you to grow your business.
Be sure you conduct a thorough investigation and ask any questions you may have to your possible service provider before enrolling. Find out if there is a demonstration (live or recorded) you can view to see how it works, so you can make your own determination as to whether or not it will be a good fit for you.

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