Once upon a time the concept of being able to make money blogging was a simple one, get yourself a blog, add some content and advertising and you were well on your way to becoming rich... or at least that's what all of those sales pages would have you believe. The truth of the matter is that while it may have become more difficult to make money online using a blog the people that will be the most successful (and have always been the most successful) are those that don't buy into the push button hype but follow a sound system designed to help them to make money blogging.
So you might ask how does one find a system that works when there are so many different programs out there that claim to be the be all and end all of 'make money blogging' programs. Well the first thing you need to do is take a little time to look at yourself before you even get started trying to find a program that will be successful, after all if you aren't approaching this process with the right mindset you may as well not even bother starting in the first place... You are the secret ingredient in any money making program, get that part of the equation wrong and it's all over.
Now while you are looking at yourself in the mirror here are some important questions that you should be asking yourself if you are truly going to stand any chance to make money blogging; firstly, what is it exactly that is driving you to look for ways to make money outside of your current job or usual income? What is it that makes you get up in the morning and do whatever it is that you do, basically what motivates you to succeed? It is absolutely vital that you can identify those triggers in your life that make you want to succeed or make a change and then to tap into them as you strive to make money blogging, without them driving you forward you are doomed to failure.
Next, think about how much time you are going to dedicate to your dream, there is no such thing as a free lunch and there is no way that you are going to suddenly become rich overnight just by thinking about it. You need to plan your approach to your blogging business and make the time to do all those tasks that any successful 'make money blogging' program will tell you to do, without time and effort none of the programs available on the market will make you any money regardless of how good they are. Be realistic with your time too, don't promise to do ten hours a day and then get disillusioned when you can only do one and give up, the best laid plans are those that are able to be followed.
Lastly, don't be afraid to reward yourself when you stick to your plan or accomplish a goal. These are times to celebrate and to enjoy, reward yourself with a night out or a small gift as it can be incredibly motivating to cross something off a list and to be thankful for it. Building a blogging business doesn't have to be all about pain and sacrifice, after all the end goal is a better life not one that you end up regretting, keep that in mind when you are working on your blog and remember that being able to make money blogging will change your life if you are prepared to put in the effort.

2 Comment:
thanks for sharing this article i like this
can you tel me if google disaprove adsense then how i can get again
love, thanks for comment..
If you've ever had the adsense account, then disaprove by google, it would be very difficult for the aprove back, I also have experience like that. My suggestion you should make a new blogger account again, multiply the related article, form social bookmarking, and diligent visit webmaster tools and google analytics register to. :)
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